International Pairs Australia is proud to announce that OXLEY GOLF CLUB, situated in Southwest Brisbane, has become the FIRST golf club to sign-up for this prestigious global event. Oxley will hold a series of qualifying events throughout the 2022 season, for both the men’s and ladies’ divisions. These events will give Oxley’s members the chance to play in regional, state and national finals. The winning pair will be given an all-expenses paid trip to the International Pairs 2022 WORLD FINAL.

If you would like to follow in Oxley’s illustrious footsteps SIGN-UP NOW! Email us at or call David on 0401 228 882 or visit our website at . We look forward to greeting your club and your members at the International Pairs Event. All clubs receive assistance with prizes for participating members. Click here to register your club today.

Here’s what Brent Hamlin- Golf Administrator at Oxley Golf Club had to say: –

“This is an amazing event for our men and lady members to participate in. To get on board early and give them this opportunity was a NO BRAINER for us. The flexibility given to us by International Pairs Australia means we can hold their event and incorporate it into our normal events schedule. Not only does it provide our members the chance to participate in an open event it also gives them more choices. This event will also attract new future members as they can see the investment we have made here at our club”.

To see what International Pairs Australia can do for your club SIGN-UP NOW!